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Baptism Preparation

Contact: Melissa Markey

Mission Statement: To conduct a preparation class to help parents take an active part in their child’s baptism, and to remind them of the essential role they have in the faith life of the child. To address any problems or anxieties the parents may have in regard to the baptism.

Current Activities: 

Required Documents for the Parish Office

  1. Parent Registration Form
  2. Copy of the child’s birth certificate
  3. Sponsor Certificate Forms – The sponsor certificate forms are to be filled out by the Catholic godparents
  4. Godparent Letter of Good Standing: To be provided by the godparents’ parish, signed by the pastor or authorized representative of the parish, and also include the parish seal.
  5. “Belonging: Baptism in the Family of God” Completion Certificate

  • The baptism will be scheduled once items 1 through 4 are received. The baptism may be subject to postponement if the certificate of completion for the Parent Preparation is not received.

Baptismal Preparation Class for Parents: Required

“Belonging: Baptism in the Family of God” (Ascension Press)

  • You will be emailed an hour-long video each week over the course of 10 weeks, which will include assessment quizzes for each session. Once completed, please print the certificate of completion and submit to the Parish Office.  Please note the baptism is subject to postponement if the completion form is not received by the Parish Office.
  • Program fee: $9.95
  • Please visit the link below to register and access the preparation class:

Please use the button below to access the Ascension Press website to sign up for class.

Baptismal Preparation Class for Godparents: Optional

“REBORN” (Formed) While not required, we strongly encourage godparents to watch all the sessions available free on Formed.  Please use the button below to access the formed website.

For the godparent(s) to access these videos, please follow the instructions below:

  1. Visit:
  2. Enter your email address
  3. Find our parish by entering the zip code: 29926
  4. Select Francis by the Sea and press enter
  5. Press Next
  6. Enter your name and email address and press Sign-Up
  7. Once in FORMED, select Programs from the title bar and locate The Sacraments
  8. Click on REBORN to watch the videos

Contact Baptismal Ministry Leader

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