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The Holy Face Project

Existing 2022 billboard sponsored by the Holy Spirit Catholic Church in Brighton, MI.

The Holy Face of Our Lord has been silently and powerfully reminding travelers of His Presence since 2018 when our initial SC billboard was installed south of Bluffton. Since that time, billboards have been duplicated in several cities during various timeframes. The Holy Face of Jesus has been displayed in: Omaha, NE, Lincoln, NE, Grand Island, NE, Marshalltown, IA, Lamberton, MN, Bismarck, ND, Brighton, MI, Lansing, MI, Newport, KY, Greenville, SC, and Richmond Hill, GA.

In 2017, our Rosary Prayer Group was granted permission from the Shroud of Turin Education and Research Assn, Inc. (STERA) to use a replica of the original digital image of The Holy Face from the Shroud of Turin on our billboards. This image was taken during the 1978 initial testing of the Shroud by official Shroud Committee photographer, Barrie Schwortz; under STERA, he is now caretaker of all the images taken at that time. For additional information regarding the Shroud of Turin, please use the button below.

Millions have come across the Image of Our Lord as they trekked the highways and byways. Some may view His reassuring Image daily as they travel to and from work. For others, it may be a one-time experience and hopefully a memorable one. Our prayer is that, with anxiety experienced by so many in their daily lives, a flicker of peace and calm is felt as His Holy Face is viewed as a reminder that Jesus’ everlasting love is with us.

Our local billboard was initially financed by contributions from our Prayer Group, however, in order to maintain and expand this endeavor, we realized additional financial assistance was required. The Holy Face Project, now organized under the umbrella of the Community Foundation of the Lowcountry enjoys a 501(c)3 tax designation. All donations are tax deductible as allowed by law. Donations may be made online at our website below and may be designated in memory or honor of loved ones. Should you wish to donate for our local project, kindly make your gift to the Hilton Head Island, SC tab provided.

We very much appreciate all those who donate to our local project; these generous donations enable us to renew our local billboard contract year after year. Should you want to help in this endeavor or if you (or other family and friends) are interested in bringing a billboard of The Holy Face to additional communities, contact information is below.

Contact the Holy Face Ministry Leader

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