The Rosary Prayer Group was initially formed over 15+ years ago with in-home gatherings to pray Our Lady’s Rosary. During the past couple years with fears of COVID, our group decided to start praying via conference call.
This method has been very beneficial not only to protect each other from transmitting unwanted germs but has enabled members to participate no matter where they might be at the time. It also has enabled friends and family from other states to participate. It’s also much easier to participate during inclement weather or if driving at night may be a problem.
If anyone is interested in joining this very informal group all that is required is a cell phone. We meet every Tuesday evening at
7:00 p.m. and pray approximately one hour.
Please email me by using the form below and I’ll provide the call-in directions. They are very simple, and we would love to have as many praying as possible during these very challenging times.
WeConnect | By LPi