Adoration Times: The Chapel hours have returned to the regular hours of 12 hours per day. To check specific times open for Adoration, please use the button below at access our Adoration Pro Software.
The Adoration Chapel is open for Adoration. If you would like to resume your hour of Adoration, please use the Adoration sign up below to sign up for an hour or you may also check the availability on the sign in sheet located right outside the Adoration Chapel.
What is Adoration?
Adoration is YOUR personal time with Jesus Christ. The reason we go to Adoration is similar to why we go to mass - to worship and to build our relationship with God. We find our spiritual nourishment when we encounter God in a personal way. The Eucharist at its pinnacle is the consecration and consumption, becoming our spiritual food, but is also so much more than that.
The Adoration Chapel is open each day between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. with the exception of certain times during Mass times and holidays. Should the Church be closed for inclement weather or some other reason, the Chapel will be closed as well. If you require the code for the outside lock, please stop by the Parish Office and we will provide you with the code.
Spend your time with Jesus in the Chapel in any way that you wish that aligns with the reverence of this space. You may bring your own prayers books, read the Bible, pray the rosary, or just sit and relax and enjoy the sweet peace that comes from simply being in the Presence of God.
Feel free to visit often and stay as long as you are able. Ideally, we would like to have at least one parishioner present during the entire time the Chapel is opened. The perpetual presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is a great blessing for us all and will require the ongoing support of our whole parish.
SILENCE is the general rule for the Adoration Chapel. Anyone should be able to enter the Adoration Chapel and find silence in the presence of Jesus. Open prayers such as a shared Rosary, charismatic prayer or musical instruments are not permitted. If there is a need for communication between individuals, please exit the Chapel so as not to disturb others.
Parents are encouraged to bring their children to visit and pray before the Blessed Sacrament. However, the children must be instructed on proper behavior before entering the Adoration Chapel. Parents should determine the amount of time that their children can properly pray before Jesus in the Chapel without disturbing the prayers of others. Please do not bring any food or drink or toys/play times in into the Adoration Chapel.
Current Activities: We currently have an adoration program that you may go on and sign up for your adoration times.
Current Volunteer Opportunities: A volunteer parishioner has accepted the responsibility for promoting, scheduling and monitoring the Eucharistic Adoration program.
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