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Mass Intentions

A Mass intention is a specific offering of a Mass in honor of or in memory of someone by name at a specific Mass time and a specific date. A Mass Intention is traditionally offered as a gift to someone who is grieving a recent loss or celebrating a milestone.

To request a Mass, you may submit an online Mass intention request below. Once in the calendar, please scroll until you see an open slot for a Mass. If you are having trouble submitting your request, please contact Merideth at the Parish Office during regular office hours - Monday - Thursday - 7:30 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. and Friday - 7:30 a.m. until 12:00 p.m.

All Mass Intentions are voluntary offerings, since the Holy Eucharist is the universal prayer of all the church. The typical offering is ten dollars. The Code of Canon Law notes that the petitioner also benefits: “Christ’s faithful who make an offering so that Mass can be celebrated for their intention contribute to the good of the Church, and by that offering they share in the Church’s concern for the support of its ministers and its activities” (Canon 946). 

To submit an online Mass intention request, please click on the "Request a Mass Intention" link button below.

Mass intentions fill up quickly, and only Masses that are still available are visible. The calendar year is only open 1 year in advance. Only 5 Mass requests per household in a calendar year are allowed. When making an online request, please ensure to complete the following:

  • Name
  • Phone Number
  • E-Mail
  • The address where you would like the Mass card mailed
  • Mass intentions are $10 - A check may be mailed to the Parish Office - 45 Beach City Road, Hilton Head Island, SC 29926 Or you may drop it by the office during office hours. Please DO NOT place your Mass intention check in the collection basket.
  • You will receive a confirmation e-mail from us once we receive your Mass stipend payment.

If you would like to look up a current Mass intention, please click on the button below.

Request a Mass Intention Current Mass Intentions

Arrange Flowers in Memory of your Loved One

For $150, parishioners can contribute to the two altar flower arrangements in memory of a loved one or in honor of a special occasion.  The family purchasing the flowers and the name of the remembered loved one or the occasion will be included in the bulletin, flocknote, and on our website. 

Use the button below to contact the Parish Office to arrange flower in memory of your loved one.

Arrange Flowers in Memory of your Loved One
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