Scheduled Meetings: Third Tuesday of the month at 3:00pm
Mission Statement: The primary mission of the Finance Council is to assist the pastor in the responsible planning and administration of all parish financial matters, to set parish financial policy, and to provide effective management of parish assets. In the performance of its duties, the Council will adhere to appropriate diocesan fiscal policy and norms as stated in Canon Law 527. The most significant of these duties are as follows:
Current Ministry Activities: General oversight of all Parish finances as outlined above.
Current Volunteer Opportunities: Council members are assigned by the pastor as required and normally serve a term of 3 years.
Please use the button below to read more about the Finance Council Member Guidelines.
Safe Environment Requirements: All Members of the Finance Council must complete a Background Screening Form (Credit included). Please contact Colleen Rzeczycki for more information on the screening process by using the button below.
Members of the Finance Council:
Mike Prince - Chairperson
Don Creamer
John Jolley
Ben Letizia
Jim Loughlin
Joe McGovern
Dan Merkel