Mission Statement: Share Thy Bounty is a service program that reaches beyond the boundaries of our parish.
Parishioners donate food items that become available to local organizations and agencies who in turn distribute to the working poor and to those in need.
Current Ministry Activities: The first Sunday of every month, parishioners bring bags of food to the Church Narthex before Mass.
Volunteers deliver and assemble the food for pick up at the Family Center.
When purchasing items for a food bank, try to avoid junk food, items with glass or cellophane packaging, which can be broken in transit, things that need can openers or special equipment (pop-top cans - whether for veggies, meat or fruit are a plus for many of our homeless).
Did You Know. . . In the cold of January, the parishioners of St. Francis provided over 250 pounds of food to Sandalwood Food Pantry through our Sharing Thy Bounty Program?
Much needed soup and diapers helped fill the shelves that were fairly empty. Your continued support for our friends, neighbors, and families is greatly appreciated and most definitely needed.
Current Volunteer Opportunities: Always looking for volunteers to handle Share Thy Bounty at various masses. Please use the form below to contact the Ministry Leader.
We are called to love the poor; those who are hungry, thirsty, ill; those who are strangers.
Deep Well
80 Capital Drive (843)785-2849
**Client must call first. Es necesario, Illamar primero**
Monday/Lunes - Friday/Viernes - 9:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.
Holy Family Catholic Church
24 Pope Avenue (843)785-2895
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday (non perishable grocery items are available) 9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. in the St. Vincent de Paul office located in the Church office building, 24 Pope Avenue, Hilton Head Island.
Sandalwood Community Food Pantry
Our mission is to nourish the bodies, minds, and spirits of all who hunger. We go to the people, live among them, learn from them and love them. We start with what they know and build on what they have, always remembering: The best of leaders, when their task is accomplished and their work done, will hear the people say, "We have done it Ourselves."
114 Beach City Road (843)645-0935
Tuesday/Martes - 11:30 a.m. until 1:30 p.m.
Bluffton Self-Help
39 Sheridan Park Circle (843)757-8000
Monday/Lunes - 3:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m.
Thursday/Jueves - 10:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m.
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