If you are a baptized practicing Catholic, you are most welcome to join our St. Francis by the Sea parish family. Please click on the link below and register to join our Parish family. Also, consider joining one of the many ministries or organizations that enliven our parish family. Just scroll across the menus at the top of the page for more information about our many ministries and activities. We look forward to praying and working with you in our parish family!
If you are an adult who is not yet a baptized Christian, or if you have been baptized as a Christian but are not yet fully initiated into the Catholic Church, and you want to learn more about the Catholic faith and enter into full communion with the Church, then our “Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults” (RCIA) program is designed just for you. Through weekly meetings of inquiry, dialogue and instruction, you will be led through the process of initiation into the fullness of the Catholic faith.
Active member status in our database is essential for requesting the following:
Placing your envelope in the Sunday collection basket is an important aspect of parish stewardship. We are not called to make an equal gift but an equal sacrifice in proportion to the blessings given to us by God. The offertory basket carried in procession to the altar symbolizes our shared sacrifice offered to the Lord in thanksgiving. Placing your stewardship envelope in the collection basket, symbolizes our shared responsibility to support the Church and our parish and a communal offering of thanks.
Once six months elapses without any envelopes or online donations received, the account is marked as inactive, and envelopes are no longer distributed. To begin receiving stewardship envelopes please contact the Parish Secretary, Merideth Johnson by using the button below.
Una familia/individuo registrado y activo es aquel que:
El estatus de miembro activo en nuestra base de datos es esencial para solicitar lo siguiente:
Colocar su sobre en la canasta de la colecta dominical es un aspecto importante de la administración parroquial. No estamos llamados a hacer un regalo igual, sino un sacrificio igual en proporción a las bendiciones que Dios nos ha dado. La canasta del ofertorio llevada en procesión al altar simboliza nuestro sacrificio compartido ofrecido al Señor en acción de gracias. Colocar su sobre de mayordomía en la canasta de la colecta, incluso si ha donado electrónicamente, simboliza nuestra responsabilidad compartida de apoyar a la Iglesia y a nuestra parroquia y una ofrenda comunitaria de agradecimiento.
Una vez transcurridos seis meses sin que se reciban sobres ni donaciones en línea, la cuenta se marca como Inactiva y los sobres ya no se distribuyen. Para comenzar a recibir sobres para el ofertorio, comuníquese con la Secretaria Parroquial, Merideth Johnson al
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