In 2020, the Dioceses of Charleston will celebrate its' 200th Anniversary. Associated with this anniversary, there will be many celebration events as well as a Bicentennial Campaign to raise money to evangelize by making the Kingdom of God present in our world providing an environment which will welcome the projected growth of Catholics who will become members of our diocesan community of South Carolina. In the Bishop's words "our Bicentennial Campaign will strengthen our parishes and mission across our 46 counties to serve our people, enhance statewide programs and ministries, and help those who suffer by acting as the hands and feet of the Body of Christ." The bishop is dedicated to combating the rise of secularism which is becoming more prevalent in our society. You will be hearing more about his exciting opportunity and the ways you can help by giving your time, talent, and treasure. Please click on the logo below to access the Bicentennial Campaign webpage.
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