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Family Honor

The Mission of Family Honor:  The mission of Family Honor, a non-profit organization is to provide and promote a family-centered, Catholic approach to chastity education. For more information or to register for a Family Honor program, please visit the Family Honor website by clicking the button below.

Current Activities:

Leading & Loving: For parents only of young children (infancy – age 10); no child attends.

Gives parents the confidence and competence to talk with their children about God’s gift of sexuality in an age-appropriate way. Helps parents know how to form their children in virtue, even from an early age, and provides parents a better understanding of the WHY behind what our faith teaches. Format: Six one-hour sessions. Usually presented by Family Honor on a Friday evening (2 hours) and Saturday daytime (4 hours). Can be done in other formats, though.  Topics include: Sex: What Does It Really Mean?; The Language of Love: How Do I Speak It?; The Birds and the Bees: Teaching More Than Facts; Formation in Virtue: Raising Good Kids; Broken Heart: Dealing with Tough Issues; and Growing a Joyful, Faith-Filled Family.

Changes & Challenges: For parents with their 6th grader.

Helps families understand the ‘changes and challenges’ of puberty. Format: Two two-hour sessions. Presented one week apart, in the evening, or on a Fri. night/Sat. morning, or Sat. morning and Sat. afternoon. Session 1 – Parents only. Topics include Understanding Child Development; Keeping Balance in Your Family; Raising Happy, Holy Children. Session 2 is for parents with their 6th grader. Participants separated by sex in two different rooms (dads/boys and moms/girls). Topics: Developing as a Person (spiritually, physically, intellectually, creatively & emotionally); Muscles for Life (boys); Virtuous Violet (girls); Fertility Appreciation and Fetal Development.

Real Love & Real Life: For parents with their 8th grader.

Format: Three two-hour sessions. Can be presented one week apart or on a weekend (Fri/Sat or Saturday only). Topics include True Worth vs. Self Esteem; Christ-like Love; Introduction to Theology of the Body; Fertility Appreciation; Healthy Communication in the Family; Developing as a Whole Person; Future Dating.

Staying Connected: For parents only of high-school age teens; no teen attends.

Format: Can be presented as either a 2 ½ program in the evening or a half day program on Saturday that includes lunch and time for fellowship. Topics include: What is Chastity and Why Is It Important for My Teen? What Does the Church Teach About Sexual Morality and Why? Tackling the Tough Issues with Teens; and Questions and Role Play.

Questions? Contact Family Honor at 803.929.0858 or email Family Honor by using the button below.

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1414, Columbia, SC 29202

Family Honor Website E-Mail Family Honor
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