Mission Statement: Many Extraordinary Ministers serve by bringing Holy Communion to Catholics who are temporarily unable to attend Mass due to hospitalization. They make visits to the Hilton Head Hospital and are each assigned a day.
The ministry to the sick is one of the great Corporal Works of Mercy and is vital to a healthy faith community. The reception of the Eucharist by parishioners or other Catholics outside of Mass requires different levels of discernment. You must assess each case individually and the appropriate liturgy provided for the reception of the Eucharist "must" be celebrated by the Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion.
Need An Extraordinary Minister to the Sick to Visit You?
If you are admitted to the hospital through the Emergency Room, or by appointment, you need to inform the hospital staff if you wish to have your name listed in the Catholic Church Directory. Assigned Extraordinary Ministers to the Sick use this directory each day to offer Holy Communion to those admitted who may wish to receive the Eucharist. If you are in need of this service, please fill out the form below and let us know how we may get in contact with you or your loved one.
Current Volunteer Opportunities: We are currently in need of ministers for Wednesday and Sunday. We are also in need of substitutes for weekdays and also weekend.
All Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion should be using the “Communion to the Sick” booklet provided to them from the parish. All EM’s going to the hospital must be known to the pastor and be approved by the EM to the Sick Coordinator as to when the visits are being made. An EM does not have authority to make personal visits as an EM without being approved by the parish. This approval and coordination are gained through the EM to the Sick Coordinator who works with the pastor.
Safe Environment Requirements: All ministers to the sick/home bound must complete Virtus Background and Driver screening along with the both the Virtus Safe Environment Class, the Virtus Vulnerable Adult, and the CMG "Be Safe-Drive Smart curriculum. Information about our screening process can be found on the Safe Environment web page.
If you are interested in joining the Hospital Extraordinary Ministry, please click on the form below.
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