Mission Statement: Many Extraordinary Ministers serve by bringing Holy Communion to Catholics who are permanently or temporarily unable to attend Mass. They make visits to hospitals, to nursing homes and assisted-living facilities as well as to the home bound. Some visits are daily; some are weekly. All responsibilities are preassigned.
Special Instructions for Holy Week: "On Holy Thursday and Good Friday, the Eucharist is distributed only during the Liturgy but may be brought to the sick at any convenient hour. On Holy Saturday, the Eucharist is not given before the Easter vigil celebration; it may be given only as viaticum if someone is in danger of death." Ordo (In the case of someone who is dying, contact Father Mike).
Current Volunteer Opportunities: Approximately 35 of the current Extraordinary Ministers are available for this special ministry. Anyone wishing a minister to visit someone at the hospital, nursing home or at home should contact the parish office
Safe Environment Requirements: All ministers to the sick/home bound must complete Virtus Background and Driver screening along with the both the Virtus Safe Environment Class, the Virtus Vulnerable Adult, and the CMG "Be Safe-Drive Smart curriculum. Information about our screening process can be found on the Safe Environment web page.
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