Scheduled Meetings: TBD
Mission Statement: Light of Life is a special ministry formed to assist people after their grieving period, to get on with their lives after the loss of a loved one, especially a spouse, by fostering new friendships with those in the same life situation and providing social, spiritual, athletic and cultural activities on a monthly basis. We realize that a number of individuals wishing to participate could be suffering from social isolation resulting from a death in the immediate family other than a spouse, or from the loss of a loved one as a consequence of divorce, relocation, or other trauma such as confinement of a loved one to an institution due to a debilitating illness.
The objective of Light of Life is to offer individuals the opportunity to re-enter the social structure by participating in activities that "where there is sadness - bring Joy".
John 8:12 – Jesus spoke to them, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”
Current Activities: At the monthly meetings those attending develop a schedule of activities that may include dinners at local restaurants, trips to cultural events such as concerts, or bus trips to activities in near- by Cities. Other group activities such as Cruises or excursions are taken from time to time. The purpose of the activity is to provide opportunity to develop friends and renew self- confidence and esteem.
Current Volunteer Activities: Participation in Light of Life is open to all. Individuals who participate are given every opportunity to volunteer as activity leaders. Participants are also asked to offer their services in the administrative tasks of the ministry.
Resource Requirements: Participants are expected to pay for their personal participation in any activity that they attend. There are no other resource requirements.